This website supports rental listings by both Marriott Weeks owners, and by
Marriott Destination
Points members.
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About Marriott Weeks rental listings
These listings are for weeks already reserved and which are being offered for
rent by either weeks owners or Destination Points (DP)owners. Anyone can rent them.
About Marriott Destination Points (DP) rental listings
These are used differently by DP members and weeks owners.
Destination Points members: You can arrange to have points from these listing transferred to
you for
one-time use, and then use the points to make / extend your
own reservation.
Weeks owners: You can ask the lister to use his points to make a
reservation on your behalf at the resort & timeframe of your choice, and then rent you the reserved time
at an agreed price. In such a case the
reservation itself is in the name of the owner, and you both need to make sure
you are listed as using the resort and entitled to keys.