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Create an account

You must create an account in order to create a Marriott Rental, Resale, or Destination Club Points listing, or to participate in our Free Marriott Exchange Center.

You need an account so that we can identify your listings when you want to edit or delete them.

Once you have an account, you can list your Marriott week(s) for potential exchange to other Marriott resorts at no cost. Sales and rental listings have small fees.

By creating an account, you agree to abide by the site Terms & Condtions

Fill out the form below to create your Ownertrades.com account:

Enter your data in each box and then press the TAB key

Only letters and numbers are allowed in your UserName. Examples would be like DJones or Sally32. Between 2 and 15 characters. No spaces.
Choose your
Choose a password with 6-20 characters / numbers:
The email address you enter below will be used as your official contact email for this website. Anyone trying to contact you regarding an exchange or a listing you have placed on the site will automatically use this email. So make sure it is valid!
Your Email Address: 
Confirm your Email:
Enter a question to which only you have the answer.
Enter the answer to that question:
If you run into trouble creating your account, try using only letters in the textboxes. Keep entries short. Also, just to be 100% sure, review your entries, especially make sure the password fields have not been cleared, then click one last time somewhere on the form before clicking the Create My Account Button.

